Traffic Flow Theory: An introduction with exercises


Victor L. Knoop
Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Keywords: traffic flow theory, traffic jams, road traffic, cumulative curves, traffic variables, shock wave theory, traffic states, traffic models, headway models


Traffic processes cause several problems in the world. Traffic delay, pollution are some of it. They can be solved with the right road design or traffic management (control) measure. Before implementing these designs of measures, though, their effect could be tested. To this end, knowledge of traffic flow theory is needed.


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Author Biography

Victor L. Knoop, Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences

Dr. Victor Knoop is associate professor at the Department of Transport & Planning. He has a background in flows, with a master degree in physics. Since his PhD his main research interest lies in traffic dynamics. His research focuses on how driver movements create effects at the level of a traffic stream.

He is author of over 200 scientific publications in the field of Traffic Flow Theory. He is a very enthousiastic lecturer, and has taught courses on Traffic Flow Theory for over a decade.


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