Building with Nature & Beyond: Principles for designing nature based engineering solutions


Jill H. Slinger
Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management
Keywords: nature based solutions, ecosystem based approach, stakeholder inclusion, transdisciplinary design, co-creation design


This book is based upon the edX MOOCs Engineering: Building with Nature and Beyond Engineering: Building with Nature. The Engineering: Building with Nature MOOC, explores the use of natural materials and ecological processes in achieving effective and sustainable hydraulic infrastructure designs, distilling Engineering and Ecological Design Principles. In the Beyond Engineering: Building with Nature course, the missing element of Social Design Principles is developed and taught.

Join us in exploring the interface between hydraulic engineering, nature and society!

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Author Biography

Jill H. Slinger, Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management

The primary author and editor, Prof. Jill Slinger is a Building with Nature specialist at Delft University of Technology where she holds an Associate Professorship in the Policy Analysis section of the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management. She is also Visiting Professor at the Institute for Water Research at Rhodes University in South Africa. Her research in water and coastal management utilises both qualitative and quantitative methods to advance stakeholder-inclusive, model-based decision making and co-design. She teaches post-graduate courses in Policy Analysis in Multi-Actor Systems, Building with Nature, and Advanced System Dynamics Modelling.

She is a member of the coastal working group of the advisory body Expertise Network for Flood Safety (ENW) in the Netherlands and the National River Programming Committee. Prof. Slinger serves as co-Editor in Chief of the journal Environmental Development and is an Associate Editor for the International Journal of Water Governance.

Front cover Slinger


December 6, 2021

Details about the available publication format: Download Interactive PDF

ISBN-13 (15)
