Structured Electronics Design: A Conceptual Approach to Amplifier Design, 3rd ed.
Many people consider analog electronic circuit design complex. This is because designers can achieve the desired performance of a circuit in many ways. Together, theoretical concepts, circuit topologies, electronic devices, their operating conditions, and the system's physical construction constitute an enormous design space in which it is easy to get lost. For this reason, analog electronics often is regarded as an art rather than a solid discipline.
Structured Electronics Design:
- Defines a step-by-step hierarchically organized design process.
- Is based on solid principles from systems engineering, physics, signal processing, control theory, and network theory.
- Provides a solid foundation for circuit design education and automation.
- Has been developed at the TU Delft since the 1980s.
L. De Forest. Wireless Telegraphy, Januari 1907
Benjamin S. Blanchard and Wolter J.Fabrycky. Systems engineering and analysis. Prentice-Hall, Inc, New York,1981. ISBN:013-135047-1
Alexander Kossiakoff and William N. Sweet. Systems engineering principles and practice. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New Jersey, 2003. ISBN: 0-471-23443-5
Terninko et al. Systematic Innovation, An introduction to TRIZ. CRC Press LLC, USA,1998
Altshuller. The Innovation Algorithm, TRIZ, systematic innovation and technical creativity, Translated by Lev Shulyak and Steven Rodman.Technical Innovation Center, Inc., USA,1999. ISBN:0-9640740-4-4
Ernst H. Nordholt. Design of High-Performance Negative Feedback Amplifiers. Delft Academic Press / VSSD,1edition,1983-2006. ISBN:9789040712470
C.J.M. Verhoeven, A. van Staveren, G.L.E.Monna, M.H.L. Kouwenhoven and E. Yildiz. Structured Electronic Design. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston - Dordrecht -London,2003. ISBN:1-4020-7590-1
Robin E. McDermott, Raymond J. Mikulak, Michael R. Beauregard. The basics of FMEA. Productivity Inc., Portland, USA,1996. ISBN:0-527-76320-9
Nigel Cross. Engineering Design Methods, Strategies for Product Design. John Wiley & Sons Ltd., England,1989. ISBN:0-471-94228-6
Claude E. Shannon and Warren Weaver. The Mathematical Theory of Communication. The University of Illinois Press, Ubana,1edition,1963. ISBN:0-88179-205-5
H. K. Gummel and H. C. Poon. An integral charge control model of bipolar transistors. Bell Syst. Tech. J.,49(5):827-852,May-June1970
H. Shichman and D. Hodges. Modeling and simulation of insulated-gate field-effect transistor switching circuits. IEEE J.Solid-State Circuits,3(3):285-289, September1968
J. Meyer. MOS models and circuit simulation. RCA Review,32:42-63,1971
D. Ward and R. Dutton. A Charge-Oriented Model for MOS Transistor Capacitances. IEEE Solid-state Circuits,sc-13(5):703-708, October1978
Cheng, Y. et al. BSIM3 Version 3.0 Manual. University of California/Berkeley, Electronics Research Laboratory,1995
Christian C. Enz, and Eric A. Vittoz. Charge-based MOS Transistor Modeling. John Wiley & Sons Inc.,2006. ISBN:978-0-470-85541-6
Binkley, David M. Tradeoffs and Optimization in Analog CMOS Design. John Wiley & Sons Inc.,1997. ISBN:978-0-470-03136-0
Harold S. Black. Stabilized feed-back amplifiers. Electrical Engineering,53(1):114-120, January 1934
H.W. Bode. Network Analysis and Feedback Amplifier Design. Van Nostrand, New York,1945
W.K. Chen. Active Network Analysis. World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.,Singapore,1991. ISBN:9971-50-912-1
R.D. Middlebrook. Measurement of loopgain in feedback systems. Int. J. Electronics,38:485-512, April2001
T. A. Blakesley. A New Electrical Theorem. Proc. Phys. Soc. London,13:65-67,1994
H.T. Friis. Noise Figures of Radio Receivers. Proceedings of the IRE,32:419-422, February 1944
Laurence W. Nagel and D.O. Pederson. Technical Report UCB/ERL M382, EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, April 1973
Laurence W. Nagel. SPICE2: A Computer Program to Simulate Semiconductor Circuits. PhD thesis, EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley,1975
Thomas L. Quarles. Analysis of Performance and Convergence Issues for Circuit Simulation. PhD thesis, EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, 1989
P. Antognetti and G. Massobrio. Semi-conductor Device Modeling with SPICE. McGraw-Hill,1988
William Shockley. Circuit element utilizing semiconductive material, June 1948
J.M. Early. Effects of space-charge layer widening in junction transistors. Proceedings IRE,40:1401-1406,1952
H. K. Gummel and H. C. Poon. An integral charge control model of bipolar transistors. Bell Syst. Tech. J.,49(5):827-852,May-June1970
J.J. Ebers and J.L Moll. Large-signal behavior of junction transistors. Proceedingsof the IRE,42(12):1761-1772,1954
C. T. Kirk. A theory of transistor cut-off frequency (ft) falloff at high current densities. IEEE Trans. Electron Devices,ED-9(2):164-174, February 1962
Colin C. McAndrew, Jerold A. Seitchik, Derek F. Bowers, Mark Dunn, Mark Foisy, Ian Getreu, Marc McSwain, Shahrir Moinian, James Parjer, David J. Roul-ston, Michael Schroeter, Paul van Wijnen, Lawrence F. Wagner. VBIC95, The Vertical Bipolar Inter-Company Model. IEEE Journal of solid-state circuits, 31(10):1476-1483, October 1996
Julius Edgar Lilienfeld. Method and apparatus for controlling electric currents, October 1925
W. Shockley. A Unipolar "Field-Effect" Transistor. Proc. of the I.R.E, pages1365-1376, November 1952
G.C. "Dacey and I.M." Ross. Unipolar "Field-Effect" Transistor. Proc. of the I.R.E, pages970-979, August 1953
H. Shichman and D. Hodges. Modeling and simulation of insulated-gate field-effect transistor switching circuits. IEEE J.Solid-State Circuits,3(3):285-289, September 1968
Kahng and Dawon. Electric Field Controlled Semiconductor Device, May 1960
F. "Wanlass and C." Sah. Nanowatt logic using field-effect metal-oxide semiconductor triodes.1963 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference. Digest of Technical Papers, VI:32-33,1963
Daniel P. Foty. MOSFET modeling with SPICE: principles and practice. Prentice-Hall, Inc., USA,1997. ISBN:0-13-227935-5
H. Shichman and D. Hodges. Modeling and simulation of insulated-gate field-effect transistor switching circuits. IEEE J.Solid-State Circuits,3(3):285-289, September 1968
B. Sheu, D. Scharfetter, P. Ko, and M. Jeng. BSIM: Berkely Short Channel IGFET Model for MOS Transistors. IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, SC-22:558-566,1987
HSPICE User's Manual. Campbell, California, 1993
Cheng, Y. et al. BSIM3 Version 3.0 Manual. University of California/Berkeley, Electronics Research Laboratory,1995
D. Velghe, R. Klaassen and F. Klaassen. MOS Model 9,1994. Unclassified Report NL-UR003/94
Christian C. Enz, and Charge-based MOS Transistor Wiley & Sons Inc.,200685541-6
Chetan Kumar Dabhi, Shivendra Singh Parihar, Harshit Agrawal, Navid Paydavosi,Tanvir Hasan Morshed, Darsen D. Lu,Wenwei (Morgan)Yang, Mohan V. Dunga,Xuemei (Jane) Xi, Jin He, Weidong Liu,Kanyu, M. Cao, Xiaodong Jin, Jeff J. Ou, Mansun Chan, Yogesh Singh Chauhan, AliM. Niknejad, Chenming Hu. BSIM4 4.8.1 MOSFET Model. University of California/Berkeley, 2017
Binkley, David M. Tradeoffs and Optimization in Analog CMOS Design. John Wiley &Sons Inc.,1997. ISBN:978-0-470-03136-0
D. Ward and R. Dutton. A Charge-Oriented Model for MOS Transistor Capacitances. IEEE Solid-state Circuits, sc-13(5):703-708, October 1978
Christian C. Enz, and Eric A. Vittoz. Charge-based MOS Transistor Modeling. John Wiley & Sons Inc.,2006. ISBN:978-0-470-85541-6
Matthias Bucher, Christoff Lallement, Christian Enz, Fabien Théodoloz and François Krummenacher. The EPFL-EKVMOSFET Model Equations for Simulation. Technical report, Electronics Laboratory, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland, July 1998
Charles A. Desour Leo O. Chua and Ernest S. Kuh .Linear and Nonlinear Circuits. McGraw-Hill, Inc., Singapore,1987. ISBN:0-07-010898-6
John M. Miller. Dependence of the input impedance of a three-electrode vacuum tube upon the load in the plate circuit. Scientific Papers of the Bureau of Standards,15(351):367-385,1920
T. A. Blakesley. A New Electrical Theorem.Proc. Phys. Soc. London,13:65-67, 1994
Harold S. Black. Stabilized feed-back amplifiers. Electrical Engineering,53(1):114-120, January 1934
H.S. Black. Wave Translation System, March 1932
Ernst H. Nordholt. Design of High-Performance Negative Feedback Amplifiers. Delft Academic Press / VSSD, 1 edition,1983-2006. ISBN:9789040712470
Boyle, et al. Macromodeling of Integrated Circuit Operational Amplifiers. IEEE Journal of solid-state circuits,9(6), December 1974
M. Alexander and D.F. Bowers. SPICE-compatibe Op Amp Macro-Models. EDN, February, March 1990
H. Nyquist. Regeneration theory. Bell System Technical Journal,11:126-147,1932
H.W. Bode. Network Analysis and Feedback Amplifier Design. Van Nostrand, New York, 1945
R.D. Middlebrook. Low-Entropy Expressions: The Key to Design-Oriented Analysis. Frontiers in Education Conference, pages 399-403, 1991
John G. Truxal. Introductory System Engineering. McGraw-Hill, Tokyo, 1972
Richard C. Dorf and Robert H. Bishop. Modern Control Systems. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., USA,1995.ISBN:0-201-84559-8
Walter R." "Evans. Graphical Analysis of Control Systems. Trans. AIEE,67(1):547-551, January 1948
Walter R." "Evans. Control Systems Synthesis by Root Locus Method. Trans. AIEE,69(1):66-69, January 1950
John M. Miller. Dependence of the input impedance of a three-electrode vacuum tube upon the load in the plate circuit. Scientific Papers of the Bureau of Standards,15(351):367-385,1920
A. Torralba, R. G. Carvajal, J. Ramirez-Angulo, J. Tombs, and T. Galan. Class ab output stages for low voltage cmos opamps with accurate quiescent current controlby means of dynamic biasing. In ICECS 2001. 8th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (Cat.No.01EX483), volume 2, pages967-970, 2001
D. M. Monticelli. A quad CMOS single-supply opamp with rail-to-rail output swing. IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 21:1026-1034, December 1986
Claude E. Shannon and Warren Weaver. The Mathematical Theory of Communication.The University of Illinois Press, Ubana,1edition,1963. ISBN:0-88179-205-5
Leo O. Chua and Pen-Min Lin.Computer aided analysis of electronic circuits. Prentice-Hall, Inc., USA,1975. ISBN:0-13-165415-2
Stephen B. Haley. The Generalized Eigenproblem: Pole-Zero Computation. Proceedings of the IEEE,76(2):103-120,February 1988
Stephen B. Haley and Paul J. Hurst. Poleand Zero Estimation in Linear Circuits. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems,36(6):838-845, June 1989
J.B. Johnson. Thermal agitation of electricity in conductors. Phys. Rev.,32:97-109,1928
H. Nyquist. Thermal agitation of electrical charge in conductors. Phys. Rev.,32:110-113,1928
Altshuller.The Innovation Algorithm, TRIZ, systematic innovation and technical creativity, Translated by Lev Shulyak and Steven Rodman. Technical Innovation Center, Inc., USA,1999. ISBN:0-9640740-4-4.
Cheng, Y. et al. BSIM3 Version 3.0 Manual. University of California/Berkeley, Electronics Research Laboratory,1995.
Chetan Kumar Dabhi, Shivendra Singh Parihar, Harshit Agrawal, Navid Paydavosi, Tanvir Hasan Morshed, Darsen D.Lu, Wenwei (Morgan)Yang, Mohan V. Dunga, Xuemei (Jane) Xi,Jin He, Weidong Liu, Kanyu, M. Cao, Xiaodong Jin, Jeff J. Ou,Mansun Chan, Yogesh Singh Chauhan, Ali M. Niknejad, Chenming Hu. BSIM 4 4.8.1 MOSFET Model. University of California/Berkeley, 2017.
Benjamin S. Blanchard and Wolter J. Fabrycky. Systems engineering and analysis. Prentice-Hall, Inc, New York,1981.ISBN:013-135047-1.
H.W. Bode. Network Analysis and Feedback Amplifier Design. Van Nostrand, New York, 1945.
Boyle, et al. Macromodeling of Integrated Circuit Operational Amplifiers. IEEE Journal of solid-state circuits,9(6), December 1974
W.K. Chen. Active Network Analysis. World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Singapore,1991. ISBN:9971-50-912-1
Leo O. Chua and Pen-Min Lin. Computer aided analysis of electronic circuits. Prentice-Hall, Inc., USA,1975. ISBN:0-13-165415-2.
Charles A. Desour Leo O. Chua and Ernest S. Kuh. Linear and Nonlinear Circuits. McGraw-Hill, Inc., Singapore,1987. ISBN:0-07-010898-6.
Nigel Cross. Engineering Design Methods, Strategies for Product Design. John Wiley & Sons Ltd., England,1989. ISBN:0-471-94228-6.
G.C. "Dacey and I.M." Ross. Unipolar "Field-Effect" Transistor.Proc. of the I.R.E, pages970-979, August 1953.
Richard C. Dorf and Robert H. Bishop. Modern Control Systems. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., USA,1995. ISBN:0-201-84559-8.
J.M. Early. Effects of space-charge layer widening in junction transistors. Proceedings IRE,40:1401-1406,1952
J.J. Ebers and J.L Moll. Large-signal behavior of junction transistors. Proceedings of the IRE,42(12):1761-1772,1954
Christian C. Enz, and Eric A. Vittoz. Charge-based MOS Transistor Modeling. John Wiley & Sons Inc.,2006. ISBN:978-0-470-85541-6.
Walter R." "Evans. Graphical Analysis of Control Systems.Trans.AIEE,67(1):547-551, January 1948.
Walter R." "Evans. Control Systems Synthesis by Root Locus Method. Trans. AIEE,69(1):66-69, January 1950.
L. De Forest. Wireless Telegraphy, Januari 1907
Daniel P. Foty. MOSFET modeling with SPICE: principles and practice. Prentice-Hall, Inc., USA,1997. ISBN:0-13-227935-5.
H.T. Friis. Noise Figures of Radio Receivers. Proceedings of the IRE, 32:419-422, February 1944
H. K. Gummel and H. C. Poon. An integral charge control model of bipolar transistors .Bell Syst. Tech. J.,49(5):827-852,May-June 1970
Stephen B. Haley and Paul J. Hurst. Pole and Zero Estimation in Linear Circuits. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems,36(6):838-845, June 1989.
J.B. Johnson. Thermal agitation of electricity in conductors. Phys. Rev.,32:97-109,1928.
Kahng and Dawon. Electric Field Controlled Semiconductor Device, May 1960.
C. T. Kirk. A theory of transistor cut-off frequency (ft) falloff athigh current densities. IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, ED-9(2):164-174, February 1962.
Julius Edgar Lilienfeld. Method and apparatus for controlling electric currents, October 1925.
Robin E. McDermott, Raymond J. Mikulak, Michael R.Beauregard. The basics of FMEA. Productivity Inc., Portland,USA,1996. ISBN:0-527-76320-9.
R.D. Middlebrook. Measurement of loop gain in feed-back systems. Int. J. Electronics,38:485-512, April 2001.
R.D. Middlebrook. Low-Entropy Expressions: The Keyto Design-Oriented Analysis. Frontiers in Education Conference, pages399-403,1991.
John M. Miller. Dependence of the input impedance of a three-electrode vacuum tube upon the load in the plate circuit. Scientific Papers of the Bureau of Standards,15(351):367-385,1920.
D. M. Monticelli. A quad CMOS single-supply opamp with rail-to-rail output swing. IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits,21:1026-1034, December 1986.
Laurence W. Nagel and D.O. Pederson. Technical Report UCB/ERL M382, EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, April 1973.
Laurence W. Nagel.SPICE2: A Computer Program to Simulate Semiconductor Circuits. PhD thesis, EECS Department, Universityof California, Berkeley,1975.
Ernst H. Nordholt. Design of High-Performance Negative Feed-back Amplifiers. Delft Academic Press / VSSD,1edition,1983-2006. ISBN:9789040712470.
H. Nyquist. Thermal agitation of electrical charge in conductors. Phys. Rev.,32:110-113,1928.
H. Nyquist. Certain topics in telegraph transmission theory. Trans. Am. Inst. Elec. Eng.,47:617-644,1928.
H. Nyquist. Regeneration theory. Bell System Technical Journal,11:126-147,1932.
Athanasios Papoulis.Probability Random Variables and Stochastic Processes. McGraw-Hill, New York,1965.
Thomas L. Quarles.Analysis of Performance and Convergence Issues for Circuit Simulation. PhD thesis, EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley,1989.
Solomon Rosenstark. A Simplified Method of Feedback Amplifier Analysis. Transactions on education, E-17(4):192-198, November 1974.
P. Antognetti and G. Massobrio. Semiconductor Device Modeling with SPICE. McGraw-Hill,1988.
Claude E. Shannon and Warren Weaver. The Mathematical Theory of Communication. The University of Illinois Press, Ubana, 1 edition, 1963. ISBN:0-88179-205-5.
B. Sheu, D. Scharfetter, P. Ko, and M. Jeng. BSIM: Berkely Short Channel IGFET Model for MOS Transistors. IEEE Journalof Solid State Circuits, SC-22:558-566,1987.
H. Shichman and D. Hodges. Modeling and simulation of insulated-gate field-effect transistor switching circuits. IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits,3(3):285-289, September 1968.
William Shockley. Circuit element utilizing semiconductive material, June 1948.
W. Shockley. A Unipolar "Field-Effect" Transistor. Proc.of the I.R.E, pages1365-1376, November 1952.
Terninko et al. Systematic Innovation, An introduction to TRIZ.CRC Press LLC, USA,1998.
A. Torralba, R. G. Carvajal, J. Ramirez-Angulo, J. Tombs, andT. Galan. Class ab output stages for low voltage cmos opamps with accurate quiescent current control by means of dynamicbiasing. In ICECS 2001. 8th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (Cat. No.01EX483), volume 2, pages 967-970, 2001
John G. Truxal. Introductory System Engineering. McGraw-Hill, Tokyo, 1972.
Colin C. McAndrew, Jerold A. Seitchik, Derek F. Bowers, MarkDunn, Mark Foisy, Ian Getreu, Marc McSwain, Shahrir Moinian,James Parjer, David J. Roulston, Michael Schroeter, Paul van Wijnen, Lawrence F. Wagner. VBIC95, The Vertical Bipolar Inter-Company Model. IEEE Journal of solid-state circuits,31(10):1476-1483, October 1996.
C.J.M. Verhoeven, A. van Staveren, G.L.E. Monna, M.H.L. Kouwenhoven and E. Yildiz. Structured Electronic Design. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston - Dordrecht - London,2003. ISBN:1-4020-7590-1.
F. "Wanlass and C." Sah. Nanowatt logic using field-effect metal-oxide semiconductor triodes.1963 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference. Digest of Technical Papers, VI:32-33,1963.
D. Ward and R. Dutton. A Charge-Oriented Model for MOS Transistor Capacitances. IEEE Solid-state Circuits, sc-13(5):703-708, October1978.
Matthias Bucher, Christoff Lallement, Christian Enz, Fabien Théodoloz and François Krummenacher. The EPFL-EKV MOS-FET Model Equations for Simulation. Technical report, Electronics Laboratory, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL),Lausanne, Switzerland, July 1998.