Design Roadmapping: Guidebook for Future Foresight Techniques
DESIGN ROADMAPPING is for anyone interested in design, strategy and innovation, and its wonderful combinations. For those who dare to create a future vision, frame the time pacing and map the pathways towards it.
This guidebook teaches you how to create a roadmap. It outlines the origins, design theories and science results. Strategic designers, innovation managers and professors share their roadmapping experiences, views and achievements, including venture CPOs, Head of Design, product and program managers of international companies such as Canon, Peerby, Ferrari, Philips, Victoria State Library and many more.
By design roadmapping you devise creative responses to future strategic challenges. Guided by future foresight techniques, you uncover new trends, scout for new technologies and map the values and ideas on the roadmap. Through strong visualization, a design roadmap supports an organizational mindset on value innovations.
Simonse, L.W.L., Hultink, E.J. & Buijs, J.A. (2015). Innovation roadmapping: Building concepts from practitioners' insights. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 32(6), 904-924.
Phaal, R.C.J.P., Simonse, L.W.L. & Den Ouden, E.P.H. (2008). Nextgeneration roadmapping for innovation planning. International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning, 4(2), 135-152
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Phaal, R., Farrukh, C.J.P. & Probert, D.R. (2004). Technology roadmapping - A planning framework for evolution and revolution. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 71(1), 5-26.
Groenveld, P. (1997). Roadmapping integrates business and technology. Research-Technology Management, 40(5), 48-55.
Willyard, C.H. & McClees, C.W. (1987). Motorola's technology roadmap process. Research Management,30(5),13-19
Albright, R.E. & Kappel, T.A. (2003). Roadmapping In the corporation. Research Technology Management. 46(2), 31-39
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